Swedana karma

The word Swedana is derived from the Sanskrit word, meaning to sweat or perspire. Swedana Karma is a group of procedures used to induce sweating. Swedana helps in relieving stiffness, cold, heaviness in the body and produces sweat. Swedana also refers to internal excreta of the body. According to Ayurveda, Swedana Karma is instrumental in helping to liquefy the sticky and adherent doshas that have lodged in the peripheral tissues. Swedana will help soften and melt the toxins, opens up the pores of skin and help in expelling them from the body in an efficient manner.


Takra Dhara is another type of Dhara treatment.


Takra means butter milk. The milk is boiled at the first stage and then medicines and then curd is added, which is kept overnight. It is then churned and remove the butter and the left is used for pouring the body or head During this therapy instead of herbal oil, medicated butter milk is continuously poured to the centre of the forehead.

DURATION The process is continued 7 to 21 days.


The treatment is very much effective for headache and other type of specific pitta disorder. It is cooling and refreshing therapy that has major benefits like improving sensory function, clean the skin, and relive stress and fatigue.

Using our following unique products as an addition to TAKRA DHARA will help you to achieve the best results:


Sinag capsule etc

You can buy or order these medicines in our online store.

*Before buying, consult our doctor.

Wearing Ayurvedic clothes or practicing on Ayurvedic Yoga Mat in addition to the Ayurvedic treatment can also improve the health of patients.