Snehana Karma

Snehana (Oleation therapy) is a part of pre-therapeutic procedure in Panchakarma. It includes external and internal oleation. In internal oleation, panchakarma expert asks for drinking a specific amount of medicated ghee or oil for a specific period. The amount of medicated ghee or oil is gradually increased on daily basis. The course of oleation therapy may take 3 to 7 days. Ayurvedic massage with medicated oils is a part of external oleation. The duration of massage may be 30 to 45minutes according to individual needs and health condition. After Ayurvedic massage, herbal steam bath is also very important.


Shiro Abhyanga is beneficial for de-stressing the whole body. Helps in strengthening the nervous system.


Smearing the oil over the head followed by massage by specific maneuvers refers to Shiro Abhyanga.

DURATION 20 to 25 minutes


Shiro Abhyanga can be done as a daily regimen and also as a treatment procedure as it has lot of health benefits. It is recommended for improving the function of sense organs, mental clarity, memory, and concentration. It also helps to alleviate stiffness of the neck &shoulders and Insomnia. Shiro Abhyanga does stimulates the scalp to detoxify the hair follicles thereby reducing baldness, premature greying, Hair loss and Dandruff etc.

Using our following unique products as an addition to SHIRO ABHYANGA will help you to achieve the best results:

Sinag capsule Moringa Oleifera

“Treatments often vary in duration and intensity depending on nature of ailments, body constitution and the status of Tridosha of the person.Constitutional approach is an essence of Ayurvedic treatments and treatments may be different for two persons with same illness. Treatment program are planned after consultation with our in-house ayurvedic doctors.”

You can buy or order these medicines in our online store.

*Before buying, consult our doctor.

Wearing Ayurvedic clothes or practicing on Ayurvedic Yoga Mat in addition to the Ayurvedic treatment can also improve the health of patients.