
Healthy Food Habits Told by Ayurveda

Ayurveda is clear on this : All health lets repeat this – All good health starts with digestion, with the proper metabolism of food. Accordingly one of the most important things we can do for our health every day of the year is to eat wisely, Food is considered just as powerful as medicine , For more a lifestyle than a diet, a famous Ayurvedic saying is “when diet is wrong . Medicine as no use; When diet is correct medicine is of no need “, Ayurveda provides some rules for good and healthy food habits for good digestion, Ayurveda says that how you eat is more important than what you eat. One of Ayurveda’s golden eating rules is to chew each bite of food 32 times. Chewing properly also encourages you to eat more slowly and mindfully.

Don’t eat when you are stressed out upset or grieving . When you are tense or emotionally triggered your nervous system is tight or flight mode, not rest and digest mode. So it will be harder for your body to digest food properly instead engage in a relaxing practice or activity and eat later when you are calm. Eat a nourishing breakfast in the morning your biggest meal of the day at high noon and lighter dinner before sunset, Dont eat your meals and snacks too close together. Always remember what is growing in your neighbourhood is healthiest fare for your digestive system. The Ancient Ayurvedic prescription of walking for that least 15 to 20 minutes after meals helps food move through stomach fatser, it will help to lower the blood sugar level after eating Get eight hours of sleep . Sleep has lot to do with good digestion. Poor Sleep leads to all sorts of issues that creates digestive problems

Eat Healthy and Live Happily